Thanks, Madam Chair. I rise to speak on clause A, the membership of the Oversight of Consultancy Committee. The Leader of the Opposition is dead right; this is a ghost committee. This is even more secret than CBIC, Madam Chair. At least its annual report is tabled in this place. Ratepayers don’t get to see it, but at least it
Thanks, Madam Chair. I just rise to speak on the Committee presentation today, and just pick up on what Councillor MATIC said about the work that was done down at Dowse Lagoon a number of years ago, between 2008 and 2012, and also note that a lot of that work was jointly funded by the Federal Government as well at
Councillor CASSIDY: Thanks, Madam Deputy Chair. I just rise to speak on the 10th anniversary of the national apology to the Stolen Generations. I would like to acknowledge that today marks that 10th anniversary of the Federal Parliament’s apology. This marked an important turning point for how government works with Indigenous Australians. I commend at this, the 10th anniversary, Kevin
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