

Cover for Councillor Jared Cassidy
Councillor Jared Cassidy

Councillor Jared Cassidy

Jared Cassidy is a Labor Councillor. Views expressed on this page are personal and not those of BCC.

Authorised K Flanders, 1/16 Peel St South Brisbane

Missed bins today (Friday): I have been advised that some bin collections were missed today in Shorncliffe, Taigum, Bracken Ridge, Fitzgibbon and Carseldine. Part of this was because they were so full, meaning more trips had to be taken to the dump by the trucks today, slowing the runs down. The contractor, Veolia will be completing these bin collections tomorrow - so please leave your bin out if it wasn’t collected today. I am very sorry for the inconvenience this has been causing people over the last week. The temporary bin locations are still in place and I’ll put those in the comments if you need to dispose of rubbish tonight or tomorrow morning. ... See MoreSee Less
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I’ve continued to ask for a green waste kerbside pick up for those people who need it. But so far the answer is no from the Lord Mayor. This is disappointing given other councils around us are now organising this service for people who register with Council. If you still need a kerbside green waste collection, please send a message to my page with your address details or email my office on [email protected] - I want to ensure the Lord Mayor knows there is a need for this. My office has registered with Volunteering Queensland for volunteers who want to help people out, you’ll then be covered by VQ insurance. The temporary bin sites are still operational. Most have lots of room in them still (a few are full and have been reported for collection). If you still have left over rubbish after your collection this week, those bins are still in place. I will put the locations in the comments again. I have also written to the Lord Mayor seeking a rates rebate for those who missed out on their green waste, recycling (and those who missed general waste catch up) on their next bill. It’s only fair that if these services were not delivered, you should have to pay for them. I will let you know if I get a response. ... See MoreSee Less
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Waste update (Wednesday 12 March) An additional green waste drop off site will be operational from 7am-5pm from tomorrow at Bill Brown Reserve, Telegraph Road Bracken Ridge (behind the netball courts) where green waste can be dropped free of charge. ... See MoreSee Less
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The clean up is progressing. No kerbside green waste pick up yet, but some options to connect volunteers below. ... See MoreSee Less
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7.30am Wednesday 12 March - Bin locations Bins have now been deployed to suburbs locations for you to dispose of spoiled food and rubbish if your bins were missed. They are located at: 🗑️ Boondall - Muller Rd - Carpark area of Boondall Park🗑️ Boondall - Parthenia St - Frank Sleeman Pk carpark. Entrance on Parthenia St🗑️ Brighton - opp 165 Baskerville StJust before Nashville Primary School🗑️ Brighton - Tenth Ave - Roosters Carpark 🗑️ Deagon - Hickson Rd - RHS at northern end of road. Vacant open space against side of road.🗑️ Taigum - Lemke Road - Sandgate Hawks carpark🗑️ Geebung - Opposite 58 Brickyard Rd - Brickyard Rd Park Car Park🗑️ Sandgate - Curlew St - At the Fullham St end over the train line on the LHS carparking area🗑️ Shorncliffe - Kate StNear numer 50 large grassed shoulder🗑️ Shorncliffe - Swan StEnd of carpark in Moora Pk carpark area.🗑️ Zillmere - Zillmere Rd - PCYC carpark🗑️ Bracken Ridge - Telegraph Road - Netball Courts Carpark ... See MoreSee Less
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